Astronomy 🚀
0.5 credits (one semester), elective science
Mr. David Buckley Room 225
Course Summary
from Utah SEEd Standards, pg. 103
- The Astronomy High School Supplemental SEEd Standards explore the patterns, forces, relationships, and systems of matter and energy found in the Universe.
- Students develop models and investigate patterns observed on Earth and in the night sky of phenomena that affect life on Earth.
- Students ask questions and model objects in our solar system and design solutions to determine where and how humans could colonize off of our planet someday.
- Students build models and construct arguments for the life and death of stars predicting the final stage of stars based on their mass.
- Students develop models and explain the formation and characteristics of the Universe.
This class adheres to the letter grading scale adopted here at Merit Academy.
A | A- | B+ | B | B- | C+ | C | C- | D+ | D | D- | F |
100-93 | 92-90 | 89-87 | 86-83 | 82-80 | 79-77 | 76-73 | 72-70 | 69-67 | 66-63 | 62-60 | 59-0 |
- Labs, Projects, and Tests = 80% of grade
- All Other Formative Assignments = 20% of grade
Late Work and Resubmissions
- There will be time to make up assignments at the end of each unit. Please use this time. There will be no penalty for late assignments or assignment resubmissions.
- However, tests are non-retakable unless special circumstances require it (If you are absent on test day, you can take the test on a different day. Testing accommodations in student's IEP still apply). Doing assignments promptly will properly prepare you for tests.
- Tests will be open notes.
Behavior Expectations
- All policies found at will be honored. A notable change across Merit this year is the phones and electronics policy, where phones must be out of sight and silent during class. Zero-tolerance.
- Hall pass usage is now tracked school-wide. Be honest about what you need (bathroom, locker, etc.).
- Classroom Values
- Spirit - Exemplify high character, respect, and love.
- Opportunity - Seize the moment to try new things.
- Curiosity - Engage in scientific inquiry with child-like wonder.
- Perseverance - Be resilient and finish strong!
Course Fees
There is a class fee of $20 that should be paid at the front office. This fee covers any lab materials used throughout the course including a science journal, model rocket building kit, and space base building materials.
Optional Field Work
Part of the student experience at Merit Academy is field work, where students have meaningful learning experiences outside the class room. These are optional experiences and the dates are to be determined.
Clark Planetarium
$25 (bus, entry fee, food)
Clark Planetarium features three floors of hands-on, interactive exhibits. The topics are Earth, Near Earth, and Beyond.