### Intro to Geology Our Backyard --- ### This Class' 4 Standards As defined by [Utah's SEEd Standards](https://schools.utah.gov/curr/science/_science_/2023SEEdK12.pdf). Each section (term) is a sort of preview for an entire course. 1. Matter and Energy in Space (Astronomy 101) <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" --> 2. Patterns in Earth's History and Processes (Geology 101) <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" --> 3. System Interactions: Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, and Geosphere (Meteorology 101) <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="3" --> 4. Stability and Change in Natural Resources (Environmental Science 101) <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="4" --> --- ### Mr. Buckley's Science Skills <img src="/assets/slides/introgeo.png" style="margin: 1rem auto; display: block;"> --- ### Learning New Things is Exciting! That's part of why I changed jobs and changed rooms. --- #### Our Hike <small>Blue line: Historical Lake Bonneville Shoreline (5100 feet).</small> <small>Red line: Part of the Wasatch Fault Line (roughly along Canyon Rd in Provo).</small> <img src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AP1GczOGFi5el7Pvcphtt_Ebznmsu1KHSkWgf9KlWL_0q-JkXoIVJ04dCwx1Ba2O6vj_FAc3Y566sCvFJLeT4CXvHgEnyZVmt7wZ3EZ9H8iS67s0BEAF7gU=w1920-h1080"> --- <img src="/assets/slides/geobonneville.jpg"> --- <img src="/assets/slides/geobonneville2.jpg"> --- #### Geology is all around us (Kate Tectonics) <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KTvsWd4HpAk?si=5z7vdeUBUxKQcvi7" width="940" height="560" style="margin: 0 auto; display: block;"></iframe> --- ### Packet: Why Geology? What are your thoughts?