### Humans and Earth <img src="/assets/slides/far-side-jerks.png" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto;"> --- ### Some Unit Objectives - Students will create a diorama that represents a specific natural disaster, exploring the forces that cause these disasters (plate tectonics, erosion, climate) and their effects on the environment. - Students will also gain an understanding of why human populations continue to live in regions prone to natural disasters, despite the risks involved. - Students will consider factors like economic opportunity, cultural significance, and resource availability in disaster-prone areas. --- ### Today's Topics - Why human populations continue to live in regions prone to natural disaster, despite the risks involved. - Resource availability in disaster-prone areas. --- ##### No natural disasters? <iframe src="https://app.sli.do/event/k6TYjgTMigkB6fkgEdD3DE/embed/polls/e8aa664e-bb19-4668-96ba-51fa5aedfed3" width="500" height="500" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto"></iframe> [Full results (link for Buckley)](https://admin.sli.do/event/k6TYjgTMigkB6fkgEdD3DE/polls) --- ##### Perfect spawn point? <iframe src="https://app.sli.do/event/k6TYjgTMigkB6fkgEdD3DE/embed/polls/8ec13ce3-f4b1-4119-b9d8-8ffe392f37fc" width="500" height="500" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto"></iframe> [Full results (link for Buckley)](https://admin.sli.do/event/k6TYjgTMigkB6fkgEdD3DE/polls) --- #### Example Spawn Point: Hawaii <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/N4La_MeE8jM?si=LcIBv5xz-Sk243Hk" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto" allowfullscreen></iframe> --- ##### Hawaii advantages and disadvantages? <small>You can look up information if you'd like</small> <iframe src="https://app.sli.do/event/k6TYjgTMigkB6fkgEdD3DE/embed/polls/28f87488-59a1-4542-8266-a846819a2898" width="500" height="500" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto"></iframe> [Full results (link for Buckley)](https://admin.sli.do/event/k6TYjgTMigkB6fkgEdD3DE/polls) --- #### Spawn Point: Civilization What are the advantages and disadvantages to this spawn point? <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/cN2Ysk6WTxI?si=0dAp-NEaqPLunBze" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" style="display: block; margin: 0 auto" allowfullscreen></iframe>